Online training
Free: the Health Knowledge (opens in a new window) webpages on the Public Health Action Support Team CIC (PHAST) website include the course finding and appraising the evidence with six modules.
Critical appraisal tools
Free: CASP (critical appraisal skills programme) (opens in a new window) offers eight critical appraisal checklists, including checklists for: systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case control studies, economic evaluations, diagnostic studies, qualitative studies and clinical prediction rule.
Free: the CEBM website (opens in a new window) includes checklists for systematic reviews and meta analysis, single randomised controlled trials, studies of diagnosis and studies of prognosis.
Free: the CATmaker (opens in a new window) software helps you to create critical appraisal topics starting from your clinical question to the presentation of the results. It includes access to online critical appraisal guides and calculators.
Free: BestBets (opens in a new window) includes worksheets for different studies including: case-control checklist (including harm), cohort, decision rule, diagnosis, economic, educational interventions, guidelines, prognosis, qualitative, randomised control trials, review or meta-analysis, screening and surveys (including pre-test probabilities).
Electronic book
How to Read a Paper : The Basics of Evidence-based Medicine (opens in a new window) (OpenAthens account required).