Digital Access
Digital Access is one of the SWL ICB priorities outlined in the Joint 5 Year Forward Plan. GP IT systems sit at the heart of primary care technology facilitating and recording millions of interactions with patients every week. GP practices have led the way in the move from paper to digital record-keeping and are now well on the way to offering online transactions, such as appointment bookings and repeat prescriptions, across all practices in England.
Empowering Patients
Improving Information and NHS App functionality
Expanding Community Pharmacy Services
Increasing Self-Directed Care
Implementing Modern General Practice
Better Digital Telephony
Simpler online requests
Faster navigation, assessment & response
Building Capacity
Larger multi-disciplinary teams
More new doctors
Retention & return of experienced GPs
Higher priority for primary care in housing developments
Cutting Bureaucracy
Championing the 7 principles for reducing bureaucracy.